Day trading can be both rewarding and demoralizing. It is rewarding when price fluctuations result in profits, but extremely discouraging when price swings result in massive losses. Losses leave a trader at the mercy of several negative emotions, including feelings of inadequacy. Other factors, besides unanticipated momentary losses, that trigger the feeling of inadequacy include a long money-losing streak, missed opportunities, or even a pervasive sense of anxiety. Hence, as you strive for success on the trading floor at all times, you should recognize that a variety of trading outcomes are possible, even for the most experienced traders, and seek ways to deal effectively with the outcomes and their aftereffects, which include negative emotions like inadequacy that might lead to failure.
Day trading is like every profession in the world: it is characterized by triumphs and trials, highs and lows, and a roller-coaster of emotions depending on different factors, including the performance of your trades; however, this truth is scarcely preached. Many people only see day trading as a quick path to fortune; they forget or sometimes ignore the fact that day trading can also be a quick path to penury because day trading fortunes can be lost as quickly as they are made. To mitigate life-wrecking losses, traders must have the right trading strategy and robust fiscal backup, but, more importantly, the right psychology. Success on the trading floor goes beyond understanding candle stick patterns and proper trade timing. The value of the mindset in the business of trading cannot be overemphasized.
Read moreMale Sexual Performance Anxiety (MSPA) and Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Article 3 of 3. Staying in the moment.
It is not unusual for a man who suffers from MPSA to experience issues with erectile functionality, and have mixed feelings of anger, sadness, frustration, and insecurity. These feelings need to be acknowledged and dealt with, as they can sometimes lead to clinical depression which may need medications whose side effects can make anxiety even worse.
General anxiety, of which performance anxiety is a symptom, is a psychological condition, whose triggers and traumas are lodged in the subconscious mind. However, even if you are able to remember almost every detail from your life, you cannot really recall how many of the events may have influenced you – nor how you may have been affected.
Alcohol consumption is a commonplace practice in many climes and has long been on an upward trend. According to the United States 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, over 80% of young people aged 18 and above have had at least an episode of alcohol consumption in their lifetime - meaning if you randomly hand-pick 10 people aged 18 and above in the US, at least 8 of them would have a positive history of alcohol consumption; no doubt, this is quite unsettling, but what is more worrisome is the habit of binge drinking—the exercise of frequently consuming alcohol in unusually large quantities – exhibited by many alcohol users.
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