Chronic pain is pain that generally lasts for more than 3 months. It can also last for months or even years, and happens in all parts of the body. Chronic pain may interfere with your daily activities such as working, having a good social life, and even a successful romantic relationship. Unfortunately, it can also lead to anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances trouble – all of which may make your pain worse.
Read moreSeries: How NLP and hypnosis can help resolve high blood pressure, also known as hypertension: Article 2 of 4
The mind is without doubt the most powerful tool that humans have. It is the root of everything we are, and all that we hope to be. The mind consists of 2 major parts, the conscious mind, and the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is where everything is stored that happens, a mix of good memories, bad memories, harmful thoughts, unresolved trauma, and other issues of baggage we may drag with us.
There are certain triggers in the subconscious mind that can cause the conscious mind to react and respond in behaviours which are not always beneficial. Many of these behaviour patterns are negative, and result in stress and anxiety, which is a huge factor in high blood pressure issues.
Read moreResolving Anxiety: What Treatments Are Available?
People with anxiety disorders find it a challenge to manage daily activities. As a result, their work life, school work or personal relationships often suffer.
If you experience repeated episodes of intense fear, worry or apprehension and this condition lasts more than 6 months, you need to seek treatment soonest possible.
Early treatment reduces the severity of symptoms associated with anxiety disorders and can help prevent health complications arising from a worsened condition.
Read moreHow Hypnosis Works & Why 2.0
Conscious and unconscious (or subconscious) are really just phrases to describe the general characteristics of the human mind. The conscious mind is the state or being aware of an external object, or of something within yourself, the part you might think of as actually who you are. In effect.
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