Hypnotherapy & NLP Adelaide Anxiety

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Resolving Anxiety: What Treatments Are Available?

People with anxiety disorders find it a challenge to manage daily activities. As a result, their work life, school work or personal relationships often suffer.


If you experience repeated episodes of intense fear, worry or apprehension and this condition lasts more than 6 months, you need to seek treatment soonest possible.


Early treatment reduces the severity of symptoms associated with anxiety disorders and can help prevent health complications arising from a worsened condition. So what are the available treatments for resolving anxiety and related disorder? Keep it here to find out.


But before we examine the treatment options, it's important to have an idea of what signs and symptoms you need to be on the lookout for.


Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders come in various forms. They include phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, and panic disorder. Here is a brief look at some signs and symptoms you might experience when suffering from anxiety disorders:


●       Lack of sleep

●       Feelings of fear, uneasiness, panic, danger or doom

●       Shortness of breath, palpitations, or hyperventilation

●       Muscle tenseness, restlessness, and lack of concentration

●       Dizziness, dry mouth, nausea, sweaty or tingling hands and feet

●       Obsessive avoidance of feared objects, places, or situations


Treatment Options for Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are different, and so are the treatments used to combat them. The primary treatment options are medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of the two. But these are not the only options. Others include:


●       Lifestyle changes

●       Support groups

●       Alternate therapies


The best way to determine the most appropriate mode of treatment for you is to discuss your options with your doctor. But first, your doctor will need to diagnose your condition in order to advise on the ideal treatment. Note that caffeine, drugs, cold medication, and herbal supplements could interact with some of the prescribed medication or intensify the symptoms of anxiety disorders.


Diagnosing Anxiety Disorders

You will most likely visit a doctor after presenting some of the symptoms highlighted earlier. Since other health conditions could cause similar symptoms, your doctor will carry out tests designed to rule out these, examine you and question you regarding your medical history.


While there are no specific lab tests to determine or diagnose anxiety disorders, you might also need to see a mental health specialist like a psychiatrist or psychologist. This is more so if your doctor finds no physical reason for your condition.


Next, we explore the modes of treatment.

1. Medical Treatments

While they do not cure anxiety disorders, medical treatments prescribed by a doctor or psychiatrist can help relieve symptoms. The professional will also advise you on the medications' pros and cons before prescribing them.


Some of the common medications used to treat anxiety disorders include the following:


●       Anti-anxiety drugs: Benzodiazepines are the most commonly used anti-anxiety drugs, particularly for generalized anxiety disorder. They help minimize anxiety, extreme fear, and panic attacks. They work fast to relieve anxiety, but over time, can cause you to develop tolerance or become dependent. Sudden stoppage could also trigger withdrawal symptoms, or the anxiety could recur, so you need to taper off the medication gradually.


●       Antidepressants. These mainly treat depression, but they might be useful in improving how your brain uses stress-controlling chemicals. They don't work fast, though, plus they could cause withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking them suddenly. Patients using antidepressants need constant attention during the initial weeks, as the medication can heighten suicidal behaviour.


●       Anticonvulsants. These drugs prevent epileptic seizures and are also effective in relieving specific symptoms related to anxiety disorders.


●       Beta-blockers. Beta-blockers treat high blood pressure but are useful in controlling physical symptoms like heart palpitations, shaking, and trembling. You can also use them to reduce anxiety attacks or prevent performance anxieties.


●       Tricyclics: Drugs like imipramine and clomipramine are valuable in reducing the effects of most anxiety disorders. Their side effects include weight gain, drowsiness and dizziness.


●       Buspirone (BuSpar). This anti-anxiety medication can help treat chronic anxiety.


2. Psychotherapy Treatments

Psychotherapy is a type of counselling that's pretty effective in dealing with anxiety disorders, particularly when directed at an individual's specific anxieties and customized to their needs. Also referred to as talk therapy, the treatment teaches you how your emotions impact your behaviors.


A mental health specialist discusses with you about your feelings, thoughts and suggests how to manage them as well your condition. Sessions entail getting to the root cause of your disorder, exploring anxiety triggers and identifying potential coping mechanisms. Family psychotherapy is particularly useful in helping family members understand the condition and guide them in finding ways to interact with a loved one with an anxiety disorder.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that teaches you how to identify and alter harmful thoughts that could trigger anxiety or worrisome feelings. You learn ways to shift fearful situations into positive ones, minimize the intensity of your reactions to triggers, and how to approach such encounters without anxiety.

3. Alternative Therapies

Alternative therapies include stress and relaxation techniques like meditation and exercise. These bring in a sense of calm, enhancing the healing effects of other conventional treatments.


Hypnosis and NLP therapies are also excellent in treating anxiety disorders. Here, therapists overcome your anxieties by accessing and working with the subconscious mind. To gain access to the subconscious, the practitioner uses hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).


For instance, a trained hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner can use certain techniques to address your anxieties and phobias, eliminate old thought patterns, and establish positive thoughts and new behaviours. Anxiety hypnosis Adelaide works fast and can help you get rid of anxieties you have battled with for years in a few sessions.

4. Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes involve embracing a healthier and more positive lifestyle. This can take the form of regular exercise, healthier eating habits, relaxation techniques like yoga or deep breathing exercises and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.


5. Support Groups

While these are not treatment methods per se and cannot replace the care provided by a healthcare professional, support groups can offer you valuable support. Join a self-help group, talk to a friend, family member or clergyman. Group counseling can be a helpful tool too.


How to Minimize Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders 

To reduce the severity of anxiety disorder symptoms, try the following:


●       Think positive

●       Prioritize rest and regular sleep

●       Avoid taking alcohol, caffeine, and recreational drugs

●       Follow your treatment plan strictly to avoid triggering anxiety symptoms

●       Relax your mind and body by meditating, journaling, or practising mindfulness

●       Eat healthily and engage in exercise - helps release stress-reducing chemicals


Final Thoughts

Anxiety disorders can take control of your life if you fail to address them at an early stage. But once you notice yourself exhibiting symptoms that characterize this condition, take the necessary steps to arrest the situation. With the right treatment, you can get back to living a normal, healthy, and productive life.