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Lose Weight with Hypnosis by Reducing Food Cravings

People who want to shed some extra pounds often believe they lack the willpower to overcome their food cravings. They try one diet, and if they don’t reach their goals, they switch to another plan. At some point, they think that they can’t make dieting work because of a perceived lack of willpower. However, the most effective way to manage weight caused by food cravings is through hypnosis. When you choose to lose weight with hypnosis Adelaide, you will feel more in control of what and how much you eat. Hypnosis can help you overcome food obsession and develop healthy eating habits.

What is considered a food craving?

A food craving is a strong desire for a specific food. This desire can be so intense that it may lead a person to eat unhealthy foods. Often, food cravings result in consuming junk food. Cravings can vary from person to person but are commonly for processed foods high in salt, sugar, and fat.

What causes food cravings?

Food cravings can be triggered by seeing, smelling, or hearing about a specific food. For example, an ad for chocolate might trigger a craving. The brain’s pleasure, memory, and reward centers play a role in these cravings. An imbalance of hormones, such as serotonin and leptin, can also contribute. Various factors impact food cravings, including hormonal fluctuations, which can heighten cravings, particularly during pregnancy. Additionally, emotions can amplify cravings, and sometimes cravings are linked to the body’s need for specific nutrients. If you struggle with cravings that lead to weight gain, consider trying Adelaide hypnosis.

How hypnosis can help you with food cravings?

Hypnosis can transform your relationship with junk food and eating disorders. Hypnotherapy can assist in making healthier food choices and reducing food obsession. When conducted by a professional hypnotherapist, it can effectively address eating disorders. Hypnotherapists can guide you toward healthier eating habits and a more positive relationship with food.

During hypnosis, in a relaxed state, the hypnotherapist suggests ways to alter unhealthy eating patterns. For instance, if someone craves a burger, hypnosis can help shift their preference towards a salad, making it seem more satisfying than unhealthy options.

Hypnotherapists offer suggestions to the subconscious mind that decrease interest in cravings. Hypnotherapy is highly recommended for overcoming food obsession or cravings.

Can hypnosis help you lose weight?

The core principle of hypnotherapy is that the mind can influence the body. By communicating with the subconscious mind, hypnotherapists can help reframe negative thought patterns contributing to issues like lack of motivation for exercise and overeating. Hypnotherapy employs various techniques to assist in weight loss:

  • Visualising yourself achieving weight loss goals.

  • Developing negative associations with unhealthy foods.

  • Promoting positive behaviors such as healthy eating and regular exercise.

Benefits of hypnotherapy for weight loss

Benefits of hypnotherapy for weight loss include:

  • Reduced emotional eating

  • Enhanced stress management

  • Improved self-control and motivation

  • Adherence to healthy lifestyle changes


Hypnotherapy is an effective option for those looking to lose weight without surgery. By accessing the subconscious mind, a hypnotherapist can help you reduce weight. If you want to lose weight and get into shape, you can schedule an appointment with us.