Hypnotherapy & NLP Adelaide Anxiety

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Hypnotherapy and a fear of public speaking -Article 2 of 5

External and internal fears.

There are two types of fears which relate to public speaking. These are external fears and internal fears, both linked to a fear of public speaking. Both types of fears may affect the other, but are also different from each other.

External fears are more concerned about practical aspects of public speaking, while internal fears are related to mental issues.

Here are some of the common EXTERNAL fears:

·      How important the speaking event is to your career or personal status.

·      The venue which will be used, for example whether it will in the familiar boardroom, or maybe in an unknown conference centre.

·       The time of day can also be a worry, as some people are better during the day than in the evening. 

·      How large the audience may be, and how it may be made up.

·      What your emotional state may be like regarding the effect recent personal events might have had on you.

There are four major INTERNAL fears which can have you in a constant state of anxiety of being required to speak in public. These internal fears can also be linked to external fears.

Internal fears include:

·      A fear of being nervous. Your mental psyche will tell you that you don’t have the confidence for public speaking, and nerves may cause you to stumble. You can attend hypnosis sessions to cope with the fear of public speaking in Adelaide.

·      A fear of worrying what people may think is linked to a lack of self-confidence. In your mind, you believe that the whole audience is just waiting to judge your performance. It is much more likely that the audience members have other things on their minds such as their families, their jobs and perhaps some are also not feeling so well. They will probably not notice if you tremble, or have to repeat a word here and there.

·      A fear that you may forget your words. If you momentarily forget your words, it is not a train smash. You can ad lib, or glance at your notes to get you mind back on track, and if you are giving a presentation, most of the audience probably will not even notice that you went off script.

·      A fear of a large audience. If you are speaking to a small group, you will be close enough to see their faces and gauge how you are doing. A large audience whose facial expressions you cannot see, might throw you into a panic if just one person seems to not be paying attention to what you are saying.

Psychology experts agree that most of these fears are rooted in the subconscious, and many are dragged with you from the past. The key to success is to eliminate these bad memories from the subconscious mind by means of hypnotherapy.

How hypnotherapy can help you overcome the fear of public speaking.

A chronic fear of public speaking is medically known as glossophobia. Like any phobia, it is a problem in the mind, and is a learned response to fears. Hypnotherapy is able to access the subconscious mind, where many of the issues of confidence and low self-esteem are hiding in the form of anxiety and panic, which are prone to appear when you are confronted with a need to speak in public. When you are in a relaxed state, the therapist is able to access the subconscious and help you eliminate the fears which are holding you captive. 

Hypnosis, combined with neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) can consign old ideas, baggage, and a negative mindset to the scrapheap, and give you a whole new positive mindset and a different outlook on life.  

NLP is defined as a program which uses a specific set of tools and techniques that can help you become an excellent communicator, and fill you with new confidence.

Your goal of mastering public speaking will be fully achieved.