Hypnotherapy & NLP Adelaide Anxiety

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Adelaide Hypnosis: Can Hypnosis Overcome Fear and Phobia?

Are you tired of living with fears or phobias that hold you back from enjoying life? Adelaide hypnosis helps individuals overcome these challenges by identifying root causes hidden in the unconscious mind, leading to lasting transformation.

What is fear or phobia?

A phobia is an overwhelming fear response that arises from a bad or negative experience. These fears can affect your daily life, causing panic attacks, sweaty palms, shortness of breath, fear of fainting, and anxiety. The great news is that these fears can be resolved or reduced through hypnotherapy.

How hypnotherapy can help with fear or phobia?

Fear is an intense emotion directed at something specific. Some common fears include fear of public speaking, fear of flying, acrophobia, agoraphobia, and social anxiety disorder, to name a few. While some phobias only become troublesome in specific situations, others can interfere with daily life. If a phobia is severe, it may result in the avoidance of certain places, people, or activities. Fears and phobias can negatively impact your life.

Most commonly, phobias reside in your subconscious mind, which is the part of your brain that controls your behaviours and thoughts. Since a hypnotherapist can help you access your subconscious mind, it’s one of the best ways to identify your phobia.

Hypnotherapy works by helping you address and unlearn your fear response so you can avoid attaching fear to the stimulus. There are different ways that hypnosis can help overcome your fears. For instance, if you have a fear of public speaking Adelaide, hypnosis can help you address your unhealthy coping strategies and replace them with healthier ones. It helps you by addressing existing subconscious beliefs that hold you back from living a meaningful life.

Hypnotherapy can address the underlying cause of your specific fear. Whether it’s something that happened in the past or a belief that has resided in your subconscious mind over the years, hypnosis can help you overcome it. A hypnotherapist can help you reframe how you experience your phobias, allowing you to get rid of your fear rather than becoming a victim of it. When you work with a professional hypnotherapist to identify your phobias, you may go through a few different hypnosis techniques. These may include:

  • A hypnotherapist may guide you to mentally review the situation that triggered your fear. Once you have identified the moment that caused your phobia, the hypnotherapist will enable you to re-experience that event. This will allow you to interact with your phobia in a different way that makes you feel safe and helps you overcome it.

  • Your visualisation in the hypnotic state will help you reshape your mind’s responses to the fear. For instance, fear of flying hypnosis Adelaide can help you imagine yourself flying without any fear.

  • Low self-esteem can contribute to your phobia or fear. Hypnotherapy can help you boost your self-esteem. This may be done by addressing self-critical beliefs that reside in your subconscious mind. Once you recognise them, you can replace them with empowering beliefs.


Hypnotherapy is an effective method for treating fears and phobias because it identifies the root cause of your fears. By exploring and releasing related feelings and emotions, you can overcome the fears or phobias that once caused discomfort. Don’t let fears hold you back any longer. Book an appointment with our hypnotherapists today to get a free consultation. Attend hypnotherapy sessions to overcome fears and phobias.